Archive for the ‘rock and roll’ Category


I can’t express this point enough.  One of the most important things you can do for your band, and for yourself, is to simply attend local shows.  Go to as many shows as you can, even if your own band isn’t yet at the stage of playing shows.

Attending local shows is the fastest way for you to become recognized and known among your local scene.  You’ve heard the phrase “see and be seen” right?  That’s not just some cheesy Hollywood party advice. It’s really important.  Here’s why…

The more shows you attend, the faster you learn how things work.  At any venue, you’ll soon learn who works the door, who the bartenders are, who runs the sound equipment, who’s in charge of booking, etc.  It doesn’t have to break the bank either. Many local shows are free, and if not, they’re just a few bucks.  Plus, many places that charge a cover will let you in free before a certain time.

You’ll be amazed how fast you start getting to know people. You don’t have to be the most outgoing person in the world either.  In fact, if you’re the quiet, introverted type, you’d be astonished to learn how many of your fellow musicians are just like you.  Take it from me, I’m not exactly the most outgoing person in the world.  But now I feel completely comfortable going to a local show on a Friday or Saturday night.  I know that a lot of folks going are also local musicians, and chances are that I’ll probably see someone that I know or that knows my band. Trust me, I don’t gallop up to everybody and try to shake their hand. I typically nurse a drink and hang out in one spot, or if I get bored, I may cruise around the venue a little.

Give it a try. Go out and have some fun!